Just a little insight into the rantings, random musings and life of me. Please take everything I write with a pinch of salt and debate/discussion and healthy discourse is welcome. Laters, M.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Silly Love Songs

I spent quite a few hours recently, being the insomniac that I am, thinking about life and silly love songs.

What is it about human interactions and relationships that makes no sense?  Maybe it's the fact I have an overtly Physicsy brain but sometimes I'm reduced to a quivering wreck by people's meandering reasoning and emotional absurdity.  What do you do when someone makes a decision, is completely confident it's the right decision, but, as far as you can see, it is based on version of logic that is so twisted their mind might as well  have dunked itself into a massive bowl of spaghetti.

But recently I've come to realize that human beings are illogical, by their very nature.  Once I nailed that fact into my cognition things got a little easier. Everyone has there own internal set of parameters that they base their decisions on, some they are aware of and other which they are not.  The intermingling and cross pollination of these various factors leads to a virtual maypole dance that may make perfect sense to you but to anyone else it seems like you are communicating through a straw whilst submerged in a bath of treacle.

Maybe that is why I accepted the illogicalness of my recent break up without the normal bought of  recriminations and stupidity. It must have made sense to her, and in the end that's all that matters.  I haven't the time or inclination to untangle the spaghetti strands to find out if there is a meaty core at the center or just a hole. People don't make sense, which is makes perfect sense when you think about it.  A illogical logic that can explain the unexplainable, such as why Justin Beiber exists, why the 2022 world cup will be played in a desert in Qatar, why Conan the Barbarian is getting remade and why I'm single.  Ok maybe not the last one perhaps but you get the point.

So people will naturally fill the world with silly love songs but as the great Paul McCartney once said; "what's wrong with that?" Without the vibrant colour of emotion, good and bad, the world would be a grey gloop of logic.  I think I can deal with the occasional blackened hues if if means I can experience the vivid kaleidescope of life.

Laters.... M

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