Just a little insight into the rantings, random musings and life of me. Please take everything I write with a pinch of salt and debate/discussion and healthy discourse is welcome. Laters, M.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Changing Tack...

Ok, time has come to talk about something different, namely me. Enough of the self indulgent claptrap and over analysis of failed relationships.  Time to be positive, time to plan for what's next.

How do you know when you’ve got over someone?  Is it when you stop attempting to facebook stalk them, or when you stop actually stalking them?  Or when you stop the late night phone calls and rude letters, or stop leaving the begging gifts/cakes/stray puppies on their doorstep with various pathetic pleading messages? Me?  I think it was the sky writing that was the last straw... :) I joke I have never done any of these things, nor would I.  I respect people enough to accept any decision they make good or bad, it may take me a while to be comfortable with it perhaps but I am not going to beg.  It’s the arrogance in me.  After a while you just have to start looking for the many amazing people in the world, and there are loads.

I suppose the only time you know you are ready to move on is when you meet someone else who you are willing to take the chance to go through the whole relationship mill with again.  I’m ready ( i was actually ready a while back but I like to eke out as much humour and ranting material out of a situation as I can. :) my last girlfriend was, and still is, a fantastic girl and I hold no grudges).

Now I just need to decide what to do with the rest of my life.  Things I am good at include being a smart arse, making stuff up, knowing random facts, explaining physics concepts, being sarcastic and witty, being charming, looking good (on occasions), learning things and procrastinating.  Things I’m bad at include common sense, knowing what girls want, tact (on occasions) and making decisions.  Any ideas on a postcard please. 

Laters, M

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