Just a little insight into the rantings, random musings and life of me. Please take everything I write with a pinch of salt and debate/discussion and healthy discourse is welcome. Laters, M.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

This may contain things that some people find offensive...

One of the brilliant things about Australian's is how friendly they are, and laid back. They are really easy to talk to but this had lead to the unleashing of an annoying habit I have of offending people without meaning to, partly because I don't explain myself clearly sometimes and partly because I am an arrogant something or other. (see last post for classic example).

Other examples have included my comments on Australia and why it is different from the UK. I have dropped such stupid comments as "Australian men are misogynistic" to "why are you so afraid of lesbians, exactly?". Not very proud of these moments, caused by my mouth engaging several hours before my brain has had a chance to calculate all possible outcomes and offended people. I have tried changing this only to get comments like "you're very quite today Mark?" and "what's wrong? don't you have an opinion?". So now I just go with the flow and know I risk causing offence. Still at least people can laugh at me.

I know I will offend and for that I am sorry, but I am starting to realise that I have to write, I have to let these ideas and thoughts out so I am going to continue to offend. If that is a problem then please read something else.

On a separate note, loving the fact the Ashes is on terrestrial TV, not loving the fact the English have rediscovered their batting collapse form.

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